
CM1_Clothes, Accessories and Colors 2_2023

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  • What color and object is this?
    It's an orange skirt
    It’s an orange dress
  • What object is this?
    It´s a jumper
    It's a raincoat
  • What color and object is this?
    It’s a pink necklace
    It's a pink ring
  • What color and object are these?
    They’re gray gloves
    They're gray sunglasses
  • What is this?
    It's a jumper
    It's an uniform
  • What color and object is this?
    It's a purple scarf
    It’s a pink scarf
  • What color and object is this?
    It's a black suit
    It's a black coat
  • What colour and object is this?
    It's an orange umbrella
    It's a yellow umbrella
  • What color and object is this?
    It´s a brown belt
    It’s a blue belt
  • What color and object is this?
    It's a red necklace
    It's a red tie
  • What color and object is this?
    It’s a brown watch
    It's a brown necklace
  • What color and object is this?
    It’s a pink t-shirt
    It's a pink shirt
  • What color and object are these?
    They're black boots
    They’re green boots
  • What color and object is this?
    It's a black watch
    It's a black handbag
  • What color and object is this?
    It's a black ring
    It’s a white ring
  • What are these?
    They are glasses
    They're sunglasses
  • What color and object is this?
    It's a white blouse
    It's a white t-shirt
  • What color and object is this?
    It’s a black cap
    It's a black hat
  • What color and object are these?
    They're red shoes
    They’re red socks
  • What colour and object is this?
    It's a red wallet
    It's a red handbag