
CAE Transformations

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  • He'd been struggling to think of a really original birthday present. (COME) No matter how he tried .......... an idea for a really original birthday present.
    he couldn't come up with
  • Her teacher said she wasn't progressing as well as other students with her assignments. (DANGER) Her teacher warned her that she was .......... behind with her assignments.
    in danger of falling
  • “Would you lend me 2000€ Jacob?” asked Rebecca. (BORROW) Rebecca asked .......... 2000€ from Jacob.
    if she could borrow
  • Marc fully intends to make his language blog successful. (EVERY) Marc has ........... his language learning blog successful.
    every intention of making
  • I was at the point of cancelling the meeting when you called. (JUST) I was .......... off the meeting when you called.
    just about to call
  • He wondered how likely it was that he would get top marks again. (CHANCES) He asked himself what .......... top marks again.
    were the chances of getting / the chances were of getting/were the chances of him getting/ the chances were of him getting
  • It remains to be seen if it was a good decision or not. (TIME) Only ............ correctly or not.
    time will tell if we decided
  • What was much better than I expected was the costume design. (EXCEEDED) What .......... the costume design.
    exceeded my expectations was
  • This display had better not be messed about with on any account. (SHOULD) On no account ......... about with.
    should this display be messed
  • It's difficult to say why some exams are easier than others. (MAKES) It's hard to say .............. than others.
    what makes some exams more difficult
  • Josh was disappointed with his results in his exam exams. (CAME) Josh's exam results .......... to him.
    came as a disappointment
  • As long as I pass, I don ́t care how much I have to study. (DIFFERENCE) As long as I pass, it ......... much I need to study.
    makes no difference to me how
  • Only 4 students came to the class in the end. (UP) Finally, only 4 ............ the class.
    students turned/showed up to
  • I need to solve this maths problem by the end of the day. (COME) Before the day is up, I ......... to this maths problem.
    must come up with a solution
  • As soon as he finished his meal, he asked for the bill. (THAN) No sooner had ............ he asked for the bill.
    he finished his meal than
  • We arrived at the cinema too late to be able to see the start of the film. (BY) The film ........... time we arrived.
    had already started by the
  • The paramedics were told that they should never place a human life at risk trying to rescue an animal. (CIRCUMSTANCES) The paramedics were warned that .......... place a human life at risk trying to rescue an animal.
    under no circumstances should they
  • We must take as much advantage as possible of any opportunity to speak English. (MOST) We have .......... any opportunity to speak English.
    to make the most of
  • I will pay you for the meal next week unless you have any objections (OBJECT) If you ........... for the meal next week, I will leave it until then.
    do not object to me paying
  • We decided we wouldn't go with him to the airport after all. (SEE) We decided not to .......... the airport after all.
    see him off at
  • If you need any help please don't hesitate to ask. (ASSISTANCE) If I can .......... please don't hesitate to ask.
    be of any assistance
  • If it has to be cancelled the show will take place at a later date.(EVENT) In .......... cancelled the show will take place at a later date.
    the event of being
  • Martin found the driving test difficult to pass. (TROUBLE) Martin ........... the driving test.
    had trouble passing