
A food map of the UK

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  • it's salty and the opposite of sweet
  • Why is laverbread good for you?
    It's full of healthy minerals
  • What unusual event takes place at a Burns Night supper?
    The dinner host recites a poem to a plate of food!
  • Find an adjective which means: you see it and you want to eat it
  • Which industry is responsible for the Cornish pasty?
    tin mining
  • Find an adjective which means: you don't want to put something that is this in your mouth
  • Is a Devon cream tea sweet or savoury?
  • Where were Cheddar cheeses once stored?
    in caves in Cheddar
  • Find an adjective which means: likely to make you put on weight
  • If you order pie and mash with jellied eels, are the eels in the pie?
    No, they are served separately