
We will go on vacation!

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  • How will you get there?
    We will get there by train.
  • Where will you stay?
    We will stay in a tent.
  • Where will you go?
    We are going to the USA.
  • Where will you go?
    We are going to France.
  • How will you get there?
    We will get there by car.
  • How will you get there?
    We will get there on foot.
  • Where will you go?
    We are going to Italy.
  • Where will you stay?
    We will stay in a farm.
  • Where will you stay?
    We will stay in a castle.
  • Where will you go?
    We are going to England.
  • Where will you stay?
    We will stay in a hotel.
  • How will you get there?
    We will get there by plane.
  • How will you get there?
    We will get there by bike.
  • How long will you stay?
    We will stay for five days.
  • Where will you go?
    We are going to Australia.
  • How will you get there?
    We will get there by boat.
  • Where will you stay?
    We will stay in an apartment.
  • How will you get there?
    We will get there by bus
  • Where will you go?
    We are going to China.
  • How long will you stay?
    We will stay for a month.