
Under the Sea

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  • You can walk on me, play with me, and build cool things with me. What am I?
    I am sand.
  • I am a mammal, not a fish. But I live in the ocean. What am I?
    I am a whale.
  • I come onto the beach to lay eggs. I have a shell. What am I?
    I am a sea turtle.
  • I am green. Fish like to eat me. What am I?
    I am seaweed.
  • I have 8 arms but no bones. My poop is like silly string. What am I?
    I am an octopus.
  • Some people like to jump over me, surf me, or just listen to me. What am I?
    I am a wave.
  • I am a big fish. People are sometimes scared of me. What am I?
    I am a shark.
  • I am a bird, but I love to swim fast in the ocean. What am I?
    I am a penguin.
  • I come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. What am I?
    I am a seashell.
  • Over 3 trillion of us live in the ocean. What are we?
    We are fish!
  • The word fish is in my name. I am a cute shape. What am I?
    I am a starfish!