
The Giver - Chapters 14 - 15

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  • What does Jonas suggest his Father do to help soothe Gabriel during the night?
    Put Gabriel in Jonas's room.
  • What does Gabriel do continuously throughout the night in Chapter 14?
  • What does the Giver give Jonas as a memory that gives Jonas great pain?
  • What happens to Jonas when he is sledding in Chapter 14?
    He hits a bump and hurts himself.
  • On most days, Jonas was given a memory of pain but ended with a _____________
    color-filled memory.
  • What emotions does Jonas experiece during the war memory?
    Pain / Fear / Death / Suffering
  • Why didn't the Elders allow birthmothers to have four babies?
    Because of The Giver's memory of hunger.
  • What event does Jonas watch take place right before his eyes during the memory of war?
    A boy his age dies right next to him.
  • What happens to twins born into the community?
    One gets released.
  • What does the Giver asks Jonas after giving him the war memory?
    He asks for forgiveness.
  • What memory does Jonas give Gabriel during the night as he is trying to calm him down?
    The memory of sailing
  • What does Father offer Jonas to ease his physical pain after the sledding ride?
  • What does the Giver beg Jonas to do when Jonas walks into the Annex to see him in Chapter 15?
    Take some of the pain away