
Compare and Contrast Nouns

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  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    Smelling musky is for zuckers.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Way to go!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Isn't Dove just a kind of soap?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    I hope the US and Japan will kiss and make up after WWII.
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    Who trumps the other?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    How do you say 'Winnie the Pooh' in Japanese?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Nice answer!
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    I feel so luxurious all of a sudden.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Choo-Choo! All aboard!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    It's a-me ... Luigi!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Great answer!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Finger lickin' good!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    That answer definitely warms my buns!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    What a Thai-tally Khmer-aculous answer!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    I thought the book was better than the movie!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    A little piece of frozen love.
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    Wake me up when Cristiano wins a World Cup.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    You are the GOAT in this game!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    I don't want to belong to a study group that would have someone like me as a member!
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    They sure are primed to fight for Thailand.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Ownly fools goe too skool.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Can I have some delicious candy?
  • What is the diet of people now? What was it 30 years ago? Compare and contrast.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Very good!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    I laugh until I cry!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Give me some of that nice city-smog to fill my lungs with!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    If Superman opens a store, does that automatically make it a Supermarket?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    All-I-got-er was a crocodile toy!
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    Get ready for a quack attack.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Prick up your ears for this one!
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    Teach me to teach like the teacher teaches.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    They do have those stylish black car plates, though.
  • What are they doing? How are these alike? How are these different?
    Time flies when you're having fun!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    It's on like Donkey Kong!
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    I hope teacher Bry won't be hurt by your answer.
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    Will they beat each other black (and pink) and blue?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Why does everyone hate white chocolate?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    That's Kim Yong UN-believable!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Nice job!
  • How are they alike? How are they different?
    I hope these two won't get into a fight.
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Tell me what's on your mind ... for 300 dollar per hour!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Your love terrifies me!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Sporty answer!
  • What are they doing? How are these alike? How are these different?
    Let's buy the whole store!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Don't all noodles just taste like noodles?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Can old teachers still be young at heart?
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Let's party and wake up all our neighbors!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    You surely bagged that answer!
  • How are these alike? How are these different? Which do you prefer? Why?
    Hopefully you have a large appetite!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    Paint a picture of your answer!
  • How are these alike? How are these different?
    What a royal/presidential answer!