
music is great

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  • 2002
    The year security was tightened and the ‘superfence’ was create
  • 195
    The price (in pounds) of tickets in 2011. 
  • 1994
    The year in which the pyramid stage burnt down
  • 150,000
    The approximate number of people who attended in 2011/ The approximate number of ‘fence-jumpers’ in 2000
  • 2013
    The year the next Glastonbury festival will take place.
  • 4
    The number of hours in which tickets sold out in 2011. 
  • 1970
    The year the festival began.
  • 100,000
    The number of tickets sold in the year 2000
  • 1
    The price (in pounds) of a ticket to the first Glastonbury festival.  
  • 1997
    The year in which the festival is renowned most for being very muddy. 
  • 250,000
    The number of people who attended the festival in 2000.
  • >1,000,000
    The amount of money that was donated to charity in 2003.