
Summer Idioms

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  • Thirty thousand dollars is a drop in the ocean when you think about the millions that will be spent on this film. What does, "a drop in the ocean" mean?
    A large amount compared to what is needed.
    A small amount compared to what is needed.
  • During the dog days of summer, it’s too hot to work outdoors. What does, "the dog days of summer" mean?
    The coldest part of the summer
    The hottest part of the summer
  • This has been the best summer of my life. I even had a "summer fling" when I went on holiday in Greece! <3
    to go bungee jumping
    a short summer romance
  • I went to an school party last night, and I really felt like a fish out of water. I have nothing in common with those people. What does, "like a fish out of water" mean?
    Feeling comfortable in a new situation.
    Feeling uncomfortable in a new situation.
  • Come rain or shine, we will have our wedding this weekend. What does, "rain or shine" mean?
    Something will happen no matter what
    Something will not happen if something happens
  • On my first day in this job, I was asked to give a report to the board of directors. I was really thrown in at the deep end! What does, "thrown in at the deep end" mean?
    To put someone in a familar situation.
    To put someone in a new situation or under pressure
  • My younger brother has really taken a shine to you- he wants to see you all the time. What does, "to take a shine to someone" mean?
    To dislike someone you've just met.
    To like someone you've just met.
  • know you want to be famous, but I think you should stop "chasing rainbows" and get an office job.
    experiencing a lot of good luck and fortune
    trying to achieve something almost impossible
  • Tom constantly criticizes Larry, but he ignores it and the criticism is like water off a duck’s back. What does, "like water off a duck's back" mean?
    Criticisms or insults do not bother or affect someone
    Criticisms or insults bother and affect someone
  • thought he was a loyal buddy but he’s really just a fair-weather friend. What does "fair-weather friend" mean?
    someone who's always up for a party!
    someone who's only around when things are good
  • I really learned how to travel on a shoestring when I studied abroad. What does, "travel on a shoestring" mean?
    To have a small budget.
    To have a large budget.
  • What does "soak up the sun" mean?
    to lie in the sun and enjoy the rays
    to be sad about missing vacation
  • The actor was like a "cat on a hot tin roof" while he was waiting for his first performance to begin.
    to be relaxed
    to be nervous and anxious