
Money Idioms

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  • Some people seem to think that selling drugs is ___________, but I would go broke before doing something like that..
    easy money
  • I can't give you any more pocket money, Alice. ___________________, you know.
    Money doesn't grow on trees
  • Child: I want a new iPhone Mom! Mother: Honey, ____________________.
    money doesn't grow on trees.
  • He promised to lower taxes if he got elected. Now let's see if he'll _______________________________.
    put his money where his mouth is.
  • For years he was hard up. Now that he's got a steady job, he______________________________.
    spends his money like water
  • I know you want to buy a new TV with your bonus, but you should really __________________________.
    save money for a rainy day
  • Julia is such a good writer, freelance work is _______________ for her.
    easy money
  • John talks about helping homeless people, but he doesn't ______________________________.
    put its money where its mouth is.
  • We would not be booking expensive flights. We're not _________________.
    made of money
  • I know you want the new phone, but the answer is no. I'm not ______________________.
    made of money