
Family Feud (3)

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  • Name something you lick the back of
    1. Stamp
  • Name Something Associated With An Iceberg
    1. Titanic
  • Name Something People Often Lose
    1. Keys
  • Which high school subject do kids consider tough?
    1. Math
  • Name something that whistles
    1. Kettle
  • Name a good place to go on a first date
    1. Movies
  • Name something guests do at a wedding reception
    1. Dance
  • Besides shaking hands, name another way people greet each other
    1. Hug
  • Name A Night Of The Week When People Stay Up Later Than Usual
    1. Friday
  • Name a color people would NOT typically paint their house
    1. Black
  • Name a food someone with no teeth would enjoy
    1. Soup
  • Besides an Inch, name another unit of measurement
    1. Centimeter
  • Name something that happens to you when you're nervous
    1. Sweat
  • Fill in the blank. When ordering a sandwich, you may say hold the __________.
    1. Onions
  • Name a part of fish you do NOT eat
    1. Eyes
  • What would you find in a deserted house?
    1. Spider Webs
  • Name something you cook over a campfire
    1. Hot Dogs
  • Name a gift your spouse could give you that would imply you need to lose a few pounds
    1. Scale
  • What is a gift people give that shows they put no thought into it?
    1. Gift Card
  • Name an occasion where you see many flowers
    1. Wedding
  • Name something that's considered a lucky charm
    1. Four-Leaf Clover
  • What is the most common thing a "backseat driver" yells to the driver?
    1. Slow Down!
  • Name something many people have that's fake
    1. Jewelry
  • Name A State People Visit During The Winter
    1. Florida