
Twisters using Medical Terminology

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    She sells seashells by the sepsis shore.
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    The neonatologist had a newborn baby at the neonatologist's office.
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    The psychiatrist psychoanalyzed patients proficiently.
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    In the ICU, she's seen sewing surgical masks skillfully.
  • Say it well
    The geriatrician had an elderly patient at the geriatrician's office.
  • Say it well
    She skillfully administered the sublingual medication.
  • Say it well
    The speech therapist had a patient with a stutter at the speech therapist's office.
  • Say it well
    She swiftly swabbed the staphylococcus sample.
  • Say it well
    The pathologist examined the pathology slides precisely.
  • Say it well
    The surgeon had a scalpel slip at the surgeon's office.
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    The phlebotomist deftly drew blood from the brachial vein.
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    The anesthesiologist had an allergic reaction to anesthesia at the anesthesiologist's office.
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    The triage nurse swiftly triaged trauma patients.
  • Say it well
    The surgical scalpel swiftly sliced through six swollen cysts.
  • Say it well
    The pharmacist dispensed the prescribed medication promptly.
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    He palpated the patient's pulse, precisely pinpointing the problem.
  • Say it well
    The gastroenterologist diagnosed gastroenteritis in a jiffy.
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    The cardiologist had a cardiac arrest at the cardiac care unit.
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    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis causes communicative complications. []
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    Unique urologists use ultrasound to uncover urinary abnormalities.
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    The podiatrist prescribed a podiatric pedicure for the podiatrist.
  • Say it well
    The social worker had a patient with a difficult family situation at the social worker's office.
  • Say it well
    The neurologist had a seizure at the neurologist's office.
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    The hospitalist had a patient who was very sick at the hospitalist's office.
  • Say it well
    The ophthalmologist had an eye exam at the ophthalmologist's office.
  • Say it well
    The intensivist had a patient who was in the intensive care unit at the intensivist's office.
  • Say it well
    The surgeon skillfully sutured the subcutaneous incision.
  • Say it well
    The nurse practitioner had a patient with a nasty rash at the nurse practitioner's office.
  • Say it well
    The orthopedic surgeon ordered an MRI for the metatarsal fracture.
  • Say it well
    The pediatric oncologist had a child with cancer at the pediatric oncologist's office.
  • Say it well
    A nurse's nerves never cease, checking BP without a hitch.
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    The radiologist read the radiograph of the fractured radius.
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    The dietitian had a patient with a weight loss goal at the dietitian's office.
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    Healing happens gradually, granting growth and gaining strength.
  • Say it well
    The pediatrician pondered over proper pediatric prescriptions.
  • Say it well
    He diligently documented the medical history with detailed precision.
  • Say it well
    She successfully sutured the superficial scalp laceration.
  • Say it well
    Three thrombosed veins throbbed vigorously through the thick thoracic cavity.
  • Say it well
    The physical therapist had a patient with a broken leg at the physical therapist's office.
  • Say it well
    The EMT expertly intubated the unconscious patient.
  • Say it well
    The psychiatrist had a mental breakdown at the psychiatrist's office.
  • Say it well
    The ophthalmologist precisely positioned the phoropter for the patient.
  • Say it well
    The occupational therapist had a patient with a hand injury at the occupational therapist's office.
  • Say it well
    The chaplain had a patient who was struggling with their faith at the chaplain's office.