
How much do you know Mars

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  • Are Martian days longer or shorter than Earth days?
  • Why was 2003 a good year to visit Mars?
    Mars was closer to Earth than it had been for 700 years.
  • Name two movies about Mars or Martians.
    Capricorn One, Total Recall, Mars Attacks!, John Carter, Mars Needs Moms, The War of the Worlds (a 2005 movie)
  • What percentage of Mars’s surface is covered by oceans?
    0 percent – There aren’t any oceans on Mars
  • Is gravity stronger or weaker on Mars than it is on Earth?
  • Will your cell phone work on Mars?
    No, it won’t.
  • Ninety-five percent of Mars’s atmosphere is made up of one gas. Which one?
    carbon dioxide
  • How many moons does Mars have?
    two: Phobos and Deimos
  • The first close-up photos of Mars were taken by Mariner 4 on July 14 of which year? – 1964, 1978, 1982, or 1998?
  • Which of the following does not describe the weather on Mars? – windy, cold at night, stormy, rainy
    rainy – It hasn’t rained for a long time