
Persuasive Techniques Used in Advertising

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  • Researched information and evidence gives the author creditability and provides logical connections for the audience
    Facts and statistics
  • Creating fear in someone to convince them to believe in something they otherwise might not, or to convince them to buy a certain product.
    Fear Mongering
  • If everyone else is doing something or owns a particular item, you should too, so that you don't get left behind.
    Bandwagon approach
  • Using positive and "glittery" loaded words so that people feel good about their beliefs, purchases and opinions.
    Glittering Generalities
  • Repeating words and phrases over and over again will help people to remember things and it may also evoke certain feelings in the audience.
  • When a celebrity endorses a product rather than an expert, people are more likely to act on emotions.
    celebrity testimonials
  • An author or speaker establishes credibility when he or she is an expert in the field.
    Expert Testimonial
  • When an author, speaker, or advertiser carefully chooses their words to create (often times emotional) response from the audience
    Loaded Words