
A Camping Spree For Mr.Magee

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  • Everybody: What tool or object would you bring if you were going camping? Why?
  • Name two food items Mr. Magee and Dee cooked on their camping spree
    S'mores & Hot Dogs
  • Describe the Bear in the story
    Old, Big, Brown Bear, Cant see very well, Hungry
  • What was the best part of Mr. Magee's view of the campsite?
    The waterfall
  • What is the name of the vehicle Mr. Magee and Dee camped in? Can you name three other types of vehicles?
    A Camper
  • What does quiver mean?
    To shake when you're scared
  • What did Mr. Magee's Camper fall into after the hitch broke?
    A stream
  • What did the Bear think he saw on Mr.Magee's camper?
    A marshmallow 
  • Where did they go camping? Think of something you can find in the mountains- then give the rest of the group hints on what it is ("It's a kind of ___")
    The mountains
  • Who went on a camping spree? Describe what they looked like
    Mr. Magee: Man, Wearing Glasses and a Hat & Dee: Little white dog with black spots 
  • Name something Dee gathered to make the campfire
    Pinecones, branches, logs
  • What caused the campers hitch to break?
    The bear tried to squeeze under the camper
  • At the end of the story, Where did Mr.Magee and Dee decide to camp instead?
    The backyard