
B1.1 L7

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  • Why not help your cousin with homework?
    Why don't you help your cousin with homework?
  • Jane, the train leaves at 6:40 am. You would better be on time!
    Jane, the train leaves at 6:40 am. You had better be on time!
  • My dad’s got a terrible backache. – Oh dear! He should to see the doctor immediately.
    My dad’s got a terrible backache. – Oh dear! He should see the doctor immediately.
  • Jimmy got a really ugly haircut. You’d better don’t say anything to him about it.
    Jimmy got a really ugly haircut. You’d better not say anything to him about it.
  • I don’t want to go to Woitek’s party, but I’m afraid of hurting his feelings. – If I were you, I had tell him I’m sick.
    I don’t want to go to Woitek’s party, but I’m afraid of hurting his feelings. – If I were you, I would tell him I’m sick.
  • How about tell your parents the truth about what happened? They'll find out anyway.
    How about telling your parents the truth about what happened? They'll find out anyway.
  • - Ela is so annoying. She keeps telling me about the problems at school. – If I were you, I try to avoid her as much as possible.
    - Ela is so annoying. She keeps telling me about the problems at school. – If I were you, I would try to avoid her as much as possible.
  • I feel really tired, but I have so much work to do. – You had better to lie down for half an hour and you’ll feel better.
    I feel really tired, but I have so much work to do. – You had better lie down for half an hour and you’ll feel better.
  • Grandma wants to make an apple pie. – Do I should help her?
    Grandma wants to make an apple pie. – Should I help her?
  • If you want to improve your English, you must to do homework and attend classes.
    If you want to improve your English, you must do homework and attend classes.