
What would you do if...

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  • If you saw a ghost...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you had three wishes...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If your friend lied to you...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you found out a friend said something bad about you behind your back...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you woke up one day and you were a dog...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you could say ONE thing to a person in power...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you were stuck on a desert island...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you woke up with superpowers...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you woke up and realized you were the only person left in the world...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you had a million dollars...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If you could trade places with anyone in the world...
    If _______ I would ______.
  • If your favorite movie or TV show became a reality...
    If _______ I would ______.