
TOEIC Thi thử 8

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  • 130. An ---------- card will prove the authenticity of the product without the written proof of purchase.
    A. tailored
    B. dispersed
    D. activated
    C. operated
  • 116. Our logistics team is working on a comprehensive approach to minimize possible damage to ------items.
    A. noticeable
    D. meticulous
    B. fragile
    C. intensive
  • 121. From July, Matomo Groups new line of LCD televisions will be available at all ------- retailers in Brisbane and Sydney.
    D. authorized
    B. authority
    A. authorizing
    C. authorization
  • 118. The performance will last for around two hours, and audience members may meet the director -------.
    C. rather
    A. just
    D. toward
    B. afterward
  • 122. Each HBW staff was issued an exclusive access card that grants them the -------- to enter their headquarter building through the staff entrance.
    A. capacity
    D. authorization
    B. alliance
    C. competence
  • 120. A $10-worth entrance ticket will be ---------- to those who wish to attend the Maxwell Holdings annual charity fund-raising event this weekend
    B. applying
    C. apply
    D. application
    A. applied
  • 103. Biometric Attendance system will -------update the employees' attendance into the company's HR database.
    B. eventually
    C. hardly
    A. regularly
    D. recently
  • 129. All the back office employees are allowed to wear clothes of their own choice----------from Wednesdays and Thursdays when company uniforms are a must.
    C. apart
    D. in addition
    A. together
    B. away
  • 107. Ms. Alison Graham informed her boss of her maternity leave 6 months in advance so that ---------- might have enough time to find someone to cover for her.
    A. she
    C. hers
    B. her
    D. herself
  • 117. The chief editor assigned Meryl Hatthaway to write an article on techniques to improve ------- between sales staff and marketing departments for Business Insight's new issue.
    B. coordinative
    A. coordinator
    C. coordinated
    D. coordination
  • 111. ---------- did the drivers finish their morning deliveries than they headed back to the farm's warehouse to load commodities for the afternoon shift.
    C. No sooner
    B. After
    A. Before
    D. Unless
  • 110. The magician managed to escape at a ---------- moment before the container he had hidden exploded.
    B. precisely
    C. precision
    D. preciseness
    A. precise
  • 102. Though the East Meets West culinary festival has been prepared--------30th July, it is subject to change due to the spread of Covid-19 pandemic
    C. by
    B. since
    A. on
    D. before
  • 123. The -------- effort of the HR department and the headhunting firm has led to the successful recruitment of a new CEO, who is anticipated to upgrade our company's market share to another level.
    D .cooperate
    C. cooperatively
    B. cooperation
    A. cooperative
  • 114. HMI Logistics’s -------- of the market demand for shipping was reflected in their recent warehouse loading expansion
    C. understood
    A. understand
    B. understandable
    D. understanding
  • 112. The unique selling point of BGH Furniture Plant is their ability to ---------- manufacture office furniture of various lines in the furniture supply market.
    D. reasonably
    A. reason
    B. reasoning
    C. reasonable
  • 113. Thanks to the ------- earned from the sale of its former manufacturing site, the company had surplus funds.
    A. salary
    D. payroll
    B. account
    C. revenue
  • 125. The majority of our legal periodical subscribers are ---------- lawyers, who are working hard day and night to pursue their career in this demanding sector.
    A. aspiring
    C. aspire
    D. aspiration
    B. aspired
  • 128. Due to the ------- of her absences from work, Ms. Antonio was poorly rated on her employee evaluation.
    A. movement
    B. termination
    D. frequency
    C. acceptance
  • 115. Passengers are required to store their hand-on luggage --------- in the overhead bins and have their seat belts fastened beforetake-off.
    A. securely
    D. securing
    B. secure
    C. security
  • 126. These lenses have been ---------- designed for professional sports photographers, who need reliable devices to capture precious moments from afar.
    C. absolutely
    B. specifically
    A. positively
    D. amicably
  • 127. As the IT office was already closed, Ms. Goldstein had to make the repairs to the copy machine -------.
    D. her
    C. hers
    A. she
    B. herself
  • 106. The HR department is still deciding ------- to host training workshops for the newly-recruited staff in April or May
    C. while
    A. whether
    B. neither
    D. however
  • 124. The optimal quality of online teaching and learning cannot be obtained -----a stable and strong Internet connection
    C. beyond
    B. throughout
    A. within
    D. without
  • 109. Rumors about the merger between Lucas Holdings and Sunflower Group has been spread --------- their control.
    C. in
    D. beyond
    B. out
    A. under
  • 105. The fitness vouchers offered exclusively for Sparkling Jewelry's employees are ---------- within a year.
    D. valid
    C. enhancing
    A. replaceable
    B. operating
  • 104. Attendance monitoring software will be in use as part of our human resource management-----------
    B. initiated
    D. initiates
    A. initiative
    C. to initiate
  • 108. The signed equipment rental agreement shall be carried out on the --------- of honesty and mutual benefits.
    B. based
    D. basing  
    A. base
    C. basis
  • 119. Conference participants interested in industrial development should ----schedule a visit to Bridgeville’s factories.
    C. recently
    D. fortunately
    A. practically
    B. definitely
  • 101. The executive board has decided to --------a consulting firm to plan the enterprise technology transformation.
    B. hiring
    C. be hiring
    D. have hired
    A hire