
Healthy Living Review 2nd-3rd grade

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  • Tell me an example of some exercises I could do, with who, and for how long
    You could play on the swings with your friends for twenty minutes and then ride your bike with your brother.
  • What did Mia love doing?
    She loved making goals, playing soccer, being the star.
  • What is a noun?
    a person, place, or thing
  • What is an adjective?
    a describing word
  • What is a verb?
    an action word
  • What has been your favorite part of ELD this year?
    answers vary
  • Give an example of an adjective
    scorching, shiny, hard, blue
  • Name three things you can do to get some exercise?
    You can do the dishes, sweep, vaccuum, throwing a frisbee with a friend
  • What was Mia's problem?
    She did not like losing.
  • Who is Mia Hamm?
    A famous female soccer player. She didn't like losing.
  • Tell me two things you could do to get enough exercise. You might________and then____________.
    You might ride your bike for thirty minutes and then go for a walk.
  • Give an example of a noun
    table, classroom, school, soccer ball
  • What does persevere mean?
    to keep trying and not give up
  • What is one way you can stay healthy? (complete sentence)
    answers vary
  • What is a benefit?
    a good thing
  • What were Mia's siblings names?
    Garrett, Caroline, and Lovdy
  • Give an example of a verb
    sprinting, kicking, laughing
  • What can you do to prevent injury?
    You can stretch and warm up before you exercise.
  • What did Garrett tell Mia?
    He told Mia she couldn't be on his team if she was going to keep walking away.
  • What might happen if you get dehyrdated?
    You might feel sick, get a headache, or feel dizzy.
  • What did Mia's siblings want her to learn?
    Mia's siblings wanted her to learn how to lose gracefully.
  • Fill in the sentence: Kids should not only_________but also____________.
    Kids should only have good hygiene but also get enough sleep.
  • Flip the sentence: Whenever Mia got upset she quit.
    Mia quit whenever she got upset.
  • How much exercise should you get a day?
    1 hour
  • What is a benefit of being active?
    A benefit of being active is feeling...heathier, stronger, more relaxed.