
TOEIC Part 2 Strategies

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  • "The storage closet is locked, isn't it?" is an example of a _____ question.
    None of the above
  • True or False? In Or questions, the speaker asks about two things.
  • What are the two most common types of distractors?
    Same word, different meaning; Word with a similar sound
    Answer to a different question; Related word
    Word with a similar sound; Different meaning, same sound
    Answer to a different question; Repeated word
  • Complete this Part 2 strategy: Imagine a _____ answer and be prepared for an _____ answer.
    Imagine a direct answer and be prepared for an indirect answer.
  • Where is the stress in these words? appointment, schedule, seminar, attend,
    apPOINTment, SCHEDule, SEMinar, atTEND
  • _____ answers do not connect directly to the questions or statements.
  • Which of these words is usually stressed in a sentence?
    a preposition
    an auxiliary verb
    a wh word
    a pronoun
  • The function of a Wh question is almost always _____.
    making a suggestion
    requesting information
    providing information
    making an offer
  • In Part 2, the function of the first speaker is most often _____.
    Providing information
    Requesting information
    Requesting help
    Expressing an opinion
  • What is a language function?
    It is the purpose for which language is used. It explains why someone says something.
  • Why is Part 2 referred to as "pure listening"?
    It's referred to as "pure listening" because no information is written down.
  • How many test items are there in Part 2?
    None of the above
  • How many answer choices are there in Part 2?
    none of the above
  • What are the two most common types of indirect answers?
    It’s not necessary or possible; My information will help
    Ask someone else; My information will help
    Your information isn't relevant; Ask someone else
    It’s not necessary or possible; Ask someone else
  • "Didn’t Joe used to work in the shipping department?" is an example of a _____ question.
    None of the above
  • Yes or no questions usually end with _____ intonation.
    Yes or no questions usually end with rising intonation.
  • Name one of the three types of questions in Part 2.
    Wh questions, Yes or no questions, Statements
  • Wh questions usually end with _____ intonation.
    Wh questions usually end with falling intonation.
  • True or False? It isn't common to hear names of months or days of the week.
  • Which of these How questions occur most frequently?
    How long; how much
    How much; how often
    How many; how soon
    How long; how many
  • There are five types of Yes or No questions. Name two of them.
    Be, Do, or Have, Modal verbs, Or questions, Negative questions, Tag questions
  • Intonation is the _____ and _____ of a person’s voice.
    Intonation is the rise and fall of a person’s voice.