
Bible Study: Week 5/6

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  • Can God be displeased with us? What could we do to displease God?
  • God wanted to destroy the world. God had real emotions. How do you think God was feeling?
  • Who (people) was on the ark?
    Noah, his sons and their wives were on the ark.
  • What can we do for God to be pleased with us?
  • What is an ark?
    An ark is a HUGE boat!
  • What does “evil” mean?
    Evil means that someone is very bad, disobeying God and doing things to try and hurt people.
  • Can you name three animals Noah would’ve brought into the ark?
  • What two birds did Noah send out after the flood?
    A raven and a dove were sent out after the flood.
  • Why did God give us the rainbow?
    God gave us a rainbow as a PROMISE that He would not flood the earth again.
  • Which bird came back with an olive branch?
    A DOVE came back with an olive branch.
  • What is a covenant?
    A covenant is a PROMISE.
  • How long did it rain for?
    It rained for 40 DAYS and 40 NIGHTS.
  • How many of each kind of animal did Noah bring into the ark?
    Noah brought TWO of every KIND of animal onto the ark.