
Day Two _Definitions

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  • Fight or Flight
    the response in stress housed in the brain stem
  • The Limbic Brain
    allows us to feel emotions primitively, without being able to name them
  • Neuroscience
    the science of the brain and the nervous system
  • Regulate
    what brain needs in a high alert for danger state
  • Empathy
    the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own
  • Reason
    is the use of the neo-cortex part of the brain
  • Transference
    feelings, behaviours and attitudes from another relationship are transferred to the relationship with the teacher
  • Trauma
    is not an event but our experience of the event and the meaning we make of it
  • Distressed behaviour
    includes what would normally be considered physically aggressive behaviour with a negative impact on the person or their family
  • The Triune Brain
    the one name for the three main parts of the brain
  • Relate
    what a learner overwhelmed with emotions, or in the limbic brain, needs someone to do
  • Neo-cortex
    the newest part of the brain that makes language logical thinking and planning possible