
Dress for the Weather

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  • It's cool, but the sun is out. You're going for a walk. What do you wear?
    Long sleeve shirt, sweater, pants
  • It's soooo cold! You have to go outside. What do you wear?
    Lots of layers, jacket, hat, gloves
  • It's foggy out and a little cold. You are headed to school. What should you wear?
    Sweater, sweatshirt, light jacket
  • It's hot and you're going to the beach! What do you wear?
    swimsuit, sunglasses, shorts
  • It's warm outside and you're headed out to play! What do you wear?
    shorts, short sleeves, hat, sandals
  • BONUS: What do you put on when it's sunny and you don't want to get a sunburn?
  • It's cool outside and you're going camping! What do you wear?
    Long pants, jacket, hat, boots
  • It's warm out and you're going to go play a sport! What do you wear?
    Shorts, t-shirt, hat, tennis shoes
  • It is hot and you are going to be outside in the sun! What could you wear?
    Hat, sunglasses
  • It's pouring rain! You want to go to the store. What should you bring?
    Umbrella, raincoat, rainbows
  • It's cold outside, but you're staying home today. What do you wear?
    sweats, long sleeves, something comfy!
  • It's a little chilly, but will be warm later. You are headed to school. What should you wear?
    light jacket or sweater
  • BONUS: What should you drink lots of when it is hot outside?
  • It is snowing outside and you want to go play! What do you wear?
    Gloves, coat, hat, scarf, snow pants, boots
  • It rained yesterday and there are puddles everywhere! You are headed to school. What do you wear?
    Rainboots, boots