
Big Ben - Unit 28

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  • Translate: Habrá 100 personas en el concierto
    There'll be 100 people at the concert
  • Change to a question: He said he could see the moon from his telescope
    Did he say he could see the moon from his telescope?
  • Translate: Los asteroides son pequeños objetos hechos de roca que orbitan el Sol
    Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun
  • Translate: Habrá un circo en mi pueblo
    There'll be a circus in my town
  • Translate: No habrá mucha gente en el espectáculo
    There won't be a lot of people at the show
  • Ask if there will be an asteroid visible any time soon
    Will there be an asteroid visible any time soon?
  • Ask if there will be a new Spiderman movie
    Will there be a new Spiderman movie?
  • Change to a question: He said he had to make his bed in the morning
    Did he say he had to make his bed in the morning?
  • Ask if there will be a pool party next weekend
    Will there be a pool party next weekend?
  • Ask if there will be a winter ball dance next Christmas break
    Will there be a winter ball dance next Christmas break?
  • Change to a question: There will be another planet in 20 years
    Will there be another planet in 20 years?
  • Ask if there will be a full moon tonight
    Will there be a full moon tonight?
  • Ask if there will be life in other planets in 100 years
    Will there be life in other planets in 100 years?
  • Translate: No habrá estudiantes en clase cuando llegue el profesor
    There won't be any students in class when the teacher gets there
  • Ask if there will be a basketball competition soon
    Will there be a basketball competition soon?
  • Ask if there will be a lott of money waiting for me at my doorstep
    Will there be a lot of money waiting for you at your doorstep?
  • Translate: Tengo muchas sábanas en mi armario
    I've got many sheets in my closet
  • Ask if there will be a tornado in Madrid next week
    Will there be a tornado in Madrid next week?
  • Translate: Habrá un astronauta en mi colegio el viernes
    There'll be an astronaut at my school on Friday
  • Change to a question: Pluto is the farthest planet in the Solar System
    Is Pluto the farthest planet in the Solar System?
  • Ask if there will be a prize for the winner of the lottery
    Will there be a prize for the winner of the lottery?
  • Translate: No habrá estrellas fugaces esta noche
    There won't be shooting stars tonight
  • Translate: Vi una estrella fugaz el domingo pasado
    I saw a shooting star last Sunday
  • Ask your classmate if there will be a party at your their grandma's house
    Will there be a party at your grandma's house?
  • Ask if there will be a bank holiday next month
    Will there be a bank holiday next month?
  • Ask if there will be more English classes tomorrow
    Will there be more English classes tomorrow?