
True Stories B2 Lesson 33

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  • What causes climate change and how can we change it? Name 3 factors and how to change it.
    Dangerous gases, overpopulation, travelling plane etc.
  • What can you do every day to help the environment?
    Plant trees, buy less, rcycle as many things as possible, don't use disposable plastic cups etc.
  • Is it possible for everyone to change their lifestyle to help the Earth? Name 3 changes that you make.
    Yes, definitely. Name yoir own activities. 
  • Do you have any ideas on how to minimize the use of plastic bags and Styrofoam boxes?
    Use reusable cloth bags, recycle boxes etc.
  • Will we (humans) kill the Earth one day? Approximately when?
    Your own answers.
  • How eco-friendly is your family?
    We are definitely an eco-friendly family.
  • How eco-friendly is your country?
    More eco-friendly than many other European countries.
  • What do we call it when people cut down too many trees? What happends when we remove forests?
    Deforestastion, your own answers
  • What are some things which you recycle?
    coffee cups, shopping bags, clothes etc.
  • What is the biggest environmental problem (besides overpopulation)? Why do you think so?
    Your own answers.
  • Do you know any problems related to water?
    Extreme droughts, lack of clean drinking water, etc.
  • Do you add to the environment's problems in your daily life? What are they?
    Yes, we all do. Name at least 3.