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  • How many cakes does she sell every day?
    She sells 10 cakes every day.
  • What is he doing now?
    He is watching Tv in the living room now.
  • What will your mum do in the kitchen tomorrow?
    She will bake a tasty cake in the kitchen tomorrow.
  • What did she choose in the shop yesterday?
    She chose a new T-shirt in the shop yesterday.
  • What did he do yesterday?
    He drove a car yesterday.
  • What did she do yesterday?
    She swam in the river yesterday.
  • What is he going to do?
    He is going to read a new book.
  • Ми не будували новий будинок в селі минулого року.
    We didn't build a new house in the village last yesr.
  • What did he do in the swimming pool last week?
    He swam(dived) in the swimming pool last week.
  • What is he going to do in the kitchen tomorrow?
    He is going to sweep the floor in the kitchen tomrrow.
  • Він танцює на вечірці зараз.
    He is dancing at the party now.
  • What will she do in the park tomorrow ?
    She will fly a kite in the park tomorrow.
  • Вони мають нові велосипеди.Вони збираються кататися на велосипедах в місті завтра.
    They have got new bikes.They are going to ride bikes in the city tomorrow.
  • What is she doing in the park now?
    She is walking her dog in the park now.
  • Він дуже втомлений.Він збирається поспати.
    He is very tired.He is going to sleep.
  • Моя сестра не любить чисти зуби.
    My sister doesn't like cleaning teeth.
  • What did he do yesterday?
    He danced at the disco yesterday.
  • Вона хоче пити.Вона збирається випити склянку холодної води.
    She is thirsty.She is going to drink a glass of cold water.
  • What are they going to do with a big chocolate cake?
    They are going to eat a big chocolate cake.
  • What will she do in the ocean tomorrow?
    She will dive in the ocean tomorrow.
  • Мій кіт прибирає будинок зараз.
    My cat is cleaning the house now.
  • Ми не каталися на лижах в лісі минулого року.
    We didn't ski in the forest last year.