
immigration translation

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  • Imigranti sa este nenalodili.
    Immigrants haven't embarked yet.
  • Oni dufaju, ze tu najdu lepsie podmienky na zivot.
    They hope/are hoping to find better life conditions here.
  • Mnoho immigrantov uz poziadalo o azyl.
    Many immigrants have applied for asylum.
  • Imigranti sa uz nalodili.
    Immigrants have already embarked.
  • Kazdy rok vela rodicov uteka s detmi pred vojnami a nasilim.
    Every year a lot of parents with children flee from violence and wars.
  • Na hraniciach policia oddeluje deti od rodicov uz dva tyzdne.
    At the border,the police has been separating children from their parents for two weeks.
  • Policia nie je schopna hladat ilegalnych imigrantov.
    The police is unable to search illegal immigrants.
  • Ukrajinski imigranti pravidelne ziadaju o azyl uz od zaciatku vojny.
    Ukrainian immigrants have been regularly applying for asylum since the beginning of the war.
  • Imigranti maju teraz namierene k nasim hraniciam.
    Immigrants are aiming for our borders.
  • Prezident slubil okamzitu pomoc.
    The President has vowed immediate aid.
  • Vlada chce zredukovat pocet immigrantov.
    The government wants to reduce/cut off the number of immigrants.
  • Policia odradzuje imigrantov od vstupu do krajiny nelegalne.
    The police deter immigrants from entering the country illegally.