
C1 Formula CB - Unit 1 Vocabulary (definitions)

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  • _________, is a defense or tactic that organisms use to disguise their appearance, usually to blend in with their surroundings.
    CAMOUFLAGE, is a defense or tactic that organisms use to disguise their appearance, usually to blend in with their surroundings.
  • A ______ a raised line on a surface
    A RIDGE a raised line on a surface
  • _______ is an appearance of courage or confidence that someone shows in order to impress other people.
    BRAVADO is an appearance of courage or confidence that someone shows in order to impress other people.
  • (somone's) _____ ____(something) is what someone thinks about a particular subject
    (somone's) TAKE ON (something) is what someone thinks about a particular subject
  • When you are ______ about something you are doubting whether something is true or right
    When you are SCEPTICAL about something you are doubting whether something is true or right
  • something that is __________ makes you more confident and makes you feel that you are in control of your life
    something that is EMPOWERING makes you more confident and makes you feel that you are in control of your life
  • When something is ________ it is frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident
    When something is DAUNTING it is frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident
  • An ______ is a way of expressing or getting rid of strong feelings
    An OUTLET is a way of expressing or getting rid of strong feelings
  • _______ is a strong feeling in society that being in a particular situation or having a particular illness is something to be ashamed of
    STIGMA is a strong feeling in society that being in a particular situation or having a particular illness is something to be ashamed of
  • A ______, is a big jump or increase
    A LEAP, is a big jump or increase
  • Something _______ is made to be used for a short time only when nothing better is available
    Something MAKESHIFT is made to be used for a short time only when nothing better is available
  • A __________ ____ is a joke that makes someone seem silly and involves a physical action rather than words
    A PRACTICAL JOKE a joke that makes someone seem silly and involves a physical action rather than words
  • __________, is behaving in an unfair or dishonest way.
    UNSCRUPULOUS, is behaving in an unfair or dishonest way.
  • ____________, is an ink impression of the lines upon the fingertip taken for the purpose of identification
    FINGERPRINT, is an ink impression of the lines upon the fingertip taken for the purpose of identification
  • A _______ is a member of the group of animals that includes humans and monkeys
    A PRIMATE is a member of the group of animals that includes humans and monkeys
  • When something is _______ it is likely to make someone believe something that is not true
    When something is MISLEADING it is likely to make someone believe something that is not true
  • ___________ is being worried or nervous about something that you are going to do, or about the future
    APPRENHENSIVE is being worried or nervous about something that you are going to do, or about the future
  • ____________, is deserving or able to be believed or trusted
    CREDIBLE, is deserving or able to be believed or trusted
  • A ________ is a short piece of film that forms part of a television or radio programme, or that is broadcast on the internet
    A SEGMENT is a short piece of film that forms part of a television or radio programme, or that is broadcast on the internet