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  • What small things could you change about you everyday life to make things more exciting? Give at least 5 examples
  • How do you feel about breaking rules? Do you think it's a sign of creativity or disobedience?
  • Were you encouraged to be creative as a child?
  • If you could start your own business what would it be?
  • Do you think creativity can be taught?
  • Name 3 new ways you can use a drinking straw?
  • Does creativity always have to be associated with art?
  • It’s a friend’s birthday but you have absolutely no money to buy a gift. You’re seeing this friend tomorrow. What can you do so that your friend knows you care?
  • Do you consider yourself as a creative person?
  • How do you think your mindset as changed on creativity as you have gotten older?
  • Do you think the Education system in your country supports & encourages creativity?