
unit 7

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  • I work on a stage or on the street. I write beautifully and use my voice. A lot of people listen to me.
  • Name 3 things about your personality...(smart/kind/funny/ good with people)
  • I write and speak well. I work on television and talk about real things that around the city.
  • I can do many things. I use colored pencils, pastels, crayons, clay, or paints. I make beautiful and interesting things. I am talented and creative.
    An artist.
  • He doesn't smile or say "hello" to people, he is...
    ... Unfriendly (are you?)
  • He can play video games or watch TV for 5 hours non-stop! He never does sports or plays outside with his friends, he is very ... 
    lazy (are you?)
  • I can be a bear, a soldier, a king, a doctor, a cook, or many other characters. I am an artist on stage and on the screen.
  • She knows a lot of things and she likes learning, she is very...
    clever (are you?)
  • I am good at seeing interesting things. I use a camera. 
  • He is very_______because he always help others.
    kind (are you?)
  • I make breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts. I make delicious things
    a cook
  • Name 3 things about your friend's personality...(smart/kind/funny/ good with people)
    He is....she is....
  • Pedro is very ____________, he never shares his things with other people. He never helps his classmates. 
    unkind (are you?)
  • I work around lots of food. I carry food and make hungry people happy, but I don't work in a kitchen.
    a waiter
  • I'm a person who creates clothes. I work with fabric like wool.
    fashion designer
  • If he has many friends, people like to talk to him, he is ....
    friendly (are you?)
  • Firefighters are very.... they save people putting their life in danger! 
    brave (are you?)
  • I sit a lot. I move from place to place. I work on wheels.
    bus driver