
Story of the World - Activity Book 3 - Chapter 3 ...

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  • Why did northern delegates who didn't own slaves agree to this?
    The northern delegates didn't want the slaves counted as whole people, because then the south would have many more representatives that the north in t...
  • What was the main goal of the abolishionist?
    They wanted slavery to be made illegal.
  • What did William Wilberforce asks of the British Parliament?
    William Wilberforce asked the rest of Parliament to outlaw the slave trade, no matter what the cost.
  • What had the Constitution of the United States said about slaves?
    It had said slaves were not really people. When states counted their people, five slaves should count as three people.
  • What religious group in England had insisted that slavery should be made illegal?
    The Quakers had long worked for the abolition of slavery.
  • What law was passed in England and in the U.S. during the years 1807-1808?
    Laws were passed that said that no English or American ships could buy slaves in Africa and then sell them in other countries.
  • Why did farmers in the south want to keep slavery legal?
    Many farmers in the south wanted slavery to stay legal so their farms would survive.
  • Abolishionists in both England and the U.S. knew something had to happen before slavery would become illegal. What had to happen?
    Both countries knew that the slave trade had to be outlawed before slavery would become illegal.
  • What happened to British planters when slavery was outlawed?
    Many British planters went bankrupt.
  • When planters began to go bankrupt, where did England buy sugar, coffee, and tobacco?
    the United States.