
Spain during the Modern Period

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  • Who was Chistopher Columbus?
    An italian sailor
  • Charles I or Philip II - Addition of the kigndom of Portugal to the Spanish Empire
    Philip ll
  • In the Viceroyalties the________ language was imposed.
  • Tell two products the spanish brought back to America
    Animals, plants
  • Say three consequences of the discovery of America
    World trade increase, more powerful empire, new animals, plants, food...
  • Why were the lands of Chistopher Colombus called "America"?
    Because of Amerigo Vespucci
  • In the Viceroyalties the __________ religion was imposed.
  • Put these events in order Chronologically: A. Conquest of the Canary Island, B. Conquest of Granada, C. Marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand, D. Conquest of Navarre.
    C, B, A, D
  • In the Viceroyalties the ___________ laws were imposed.
  • Charles I or Philip ll - Battle of Saint- Quentin
    Philip II
  • The American territory was divided into two______
  • Charles I or Philip II - Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    Philip ll
  • Where did Colombus think he had landed in October o 1492?
    To Asia
  • Charles I or Philip ll - Rebellions of the Comunidades and Germanías
    Charles I
  • Does this maps show the territories of the Catholic Monarchs?
  • Tell two products the spanish brought from America
    Gold, silver...
  • Does this map show the territories of Charles l or Philip ll???
    Phiplip ll