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  • Fill in the missing word. "He tried _________ his back against the trunk of an old tree."
  • What did he use to try scratch his back?
    a tree branch
    a tree trunk
  • Which bear was sitting in some branches?
    Big Fluffy Bear
    Big Smelly Bear
  • What type of bear hug did they have?
    a big bear hug
    a little bear hug
  • Why did the animals run away from the bear?
    He was smelly!
    He was scary!
  • Fill in the missing word. "Now you smell all ____"
  • Why wouldn't Big Fluffy Bear help him?
    Because he was too scary
    Because he was too smelly
  • In the beginning of the story. what did Big Smelly Bear flying around him?
    There were birds flying around him
    There were flies flying around him
  • What did Big Fluffy Bear use to smell Big Smelly Bear?
    Her nose!
  • What did Big Smelly Bear think it would be nice to have?
    It would be nice to have a snack
    It would be nice to have a friend
  • Where did Big Fluffy Bear jump down from?
    the tree
  • Why did Big Smelly Bears itch disappear?
    He took a bath and now he is clean.
    He took a shower and now he is clean.
  • What did Big Smelly Bear say at the end of the story?
    "I'm not going to take any more baths"
    "I'm going to take more baths"
  • Fill in the missing word. "He tried rolling on the _____ in the dirt"
  • Where did Big Smelly Bear go to get clean?
    The river
    The pond
  • What did Big Smelly Bear wake up with?
    He woke up with an itch!
    He woke up with a sore back!
  • Fill in the missing word. "Why dont you take a ______?"
  • Where did Big Smelly Bear stomp to?
    The ocean
    The pond
  • How did she check Big Smelly Bear was clean?
    She smelled him
    She looked at him