
Vocabulary From Context 4th Grade

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  • Astronomers work tirelessly to CALCULATE the distance from Earth to other celestial bodies.
    calculate: determine amount (math)
  • You need to be able to work under PRESSURE and not get flustered.
    pressure: trying to persuade or to force somebody to do something
  • Remember to AVOID that street in the morning because the traffic there is terrible.
    avoid: stay away from
  • There are many ARTICLES in her purse
    article: an item or object
  • Many people think it is wrong for zoos to keep animals in CAPTIVITY.
    captivity: being imprisoned or confined
  • The sales clerk suggested that the CUSTOMER buy a blue tie.
    Customer: someone who buys things from a store or business
  • I tried to CONVINCE my mom to buy the game but she just kept saying, "NO!"
    convince: make someone believe
  • My SUPERVISOR agreed to let me take the day off on my birthday.
    supervisor: the person in charge at work
  • During the holidays, retail stores often hire TEMPORARY season employees.
    temporary: for a limited time
  • The mechanic repaired the damage without DELAY.
    delay: late or slow
  • The store that I work at offers a 30% DISCOUNT to employees.
    discount: less than the usual price
  • Wearing sandals while playing soccer is not APPROPRIATE.
    appropriate: suitable, proper
  • We couldn't play outdoors because of the INTENSE heat.
    intense: strong, extreme
  • My teacher INFORMED me we would be having a test on Friday.
    informed: told
  • Please cancel my order and REFUND the money.
    Refund: to return money