
Prove it!

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  • Can you say fast: "Elevent benevolant elephants" 3 times?
  • Can you wiggle your ears?
  • Can you stand in one foot for 10 seconds?
  • Can you "meaow" like a cat?
  • Can you say "Thank you" in 4 languages?
  • Can you sing in English?
  • Can you tell a funny joke?
  • Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
  • Can you tell a poem?
  • Can you do a ballet spin?
  • Can you say "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" fast?
  • Can you say your name backwards?
  • Can you bark like a dog?
  • Can you do the splits?
  • Can you snap your fingers?
  • can you whistle?
  • Can you flip a coin?