
Plan Your Summer Vacation

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  • If you could spend your summer vacation with any family from a book or story, who would you pick? 
    What would you do with them?
  • If there was a tropical island made just for you, what would you find on it?
    Trees? Rainbows? Puppies?
  • Where do you want to go this summer?
    If you could go anywhere in the world?
  • Imagine that you could fill a swimming pool with anything and swim in it. What would your pool be filled with?
    Would you eat it too?
  • You find a mysterious bottle on the shore at the beach with a message inside. What does it say?
    Do you want to write a message and put it in a bottle?
  • Summer is a great time to eat ice cream. If you could make up a new ice cream flavor, what ingredients would you use? 
    What would you call it?
  • If you got to spend three weeks sailing on a boat this summer, what do you imagine you would do every day?
    Do you get seasick?