
AY-1 Week 15 Vocab

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  • Chloe was sad as she watched her balloon ____ into the sky until she could not see it anymore.
    float (v)
  • The teacher gave Elsa _____ to use the bathroom during class time.
    permission (n)
  • Travellers always buy a _____ whenever they go someplace they have never been.
    souvenir (n)
  • When cats are not fed enough food, they can become ____.
    grumpy (adj)
  • Jenny bought Trisha teacher lovely gift as a _____.
    surprise (n)
  • It is important to learn good ____, especially when you are with your grandparents.
    manners (n)
  • Before Trisha teacher came from Mars to teach English, she read a ____ all about Korea to prepare in the airplane.
    brochure (n)
  • It is very important to remain _____ until everyone finishes their vocabulary tests.
    silent (adj)
  • The 1I-P students learned about _____ and the _____ and how hey work together in science class today!
    gravity (n) /// sun (n)
  • Yuni loves to look at the _____(s) every night with a telescope and see how many she can find.
    star (n)
  • After thinking of all the homework she had to do, Jian began to _____.
    moan (v)