
Unit 6

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  • Present Perfect: Our guests ....... ........ (go) home.
    have gone
  • Present Perfect: We ....... ......... (not tidy) the living room.
    haven't tidied
  • P...... the potatoes. Then b......... them for 15 minutes in hot water.
    peel, boil
  • Present Perfect: I ........ ........ (put) them away.
    have put
  • Present Perfect: Phew! I’m tired! We ........... .......... (do) a lot this evening, but now it’s nearly time for bed.
    have done
  • S.......... the bread and make ten pieces of toast.
  • M........ the butter and sugar together.
  • Roast the chicken and potatoes in a hot o..... .
  • Present Perfect: Dave .......... ........... (wash) the dirty dishes
    has washed
  • Present perfect: Dad ........ ........ (not clean) the barbecue.
    hasn't cleaned
  • B....... the cake in a small cake t.......... for 25 minutes.
    bake, tin
  • Present Perfect:They .......... .......... (not eat) all the food, so we don’t have to cook tomorrow!
    haven't eaten
  • Fry the eggs in a large f............. p...... .
    frying pan
  • C....... the tomatoes into small pieces.
  • B........ the eggs. Then a....... flour and milk.
    beat, add