
Powerful Verbs List 1A - Grade 6, Term 1

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  • The burgler ____________ from the window and ran away. 1) looked, 2) leapt
    2) leapt
  • She entered the house in a hurry and _________ her bag on the dining table. a.) whacked, b.) walloped
    a.) whaked
  • " Never do that again! I warn you," John ____________ . complete
  • John and Martin ________________ a very steep and rocky mountain last week end. a. walked, b. scramble
  • When I broke the window, my grandma _________ at me. She was very angry. 1) stared, 2) glared
    2) glared
  • Splutter (get three synonyms)
    stutter, stammer, stumble
  • Wallop is a synonym of
    hit, beat, strike, or defeat
  • My mother got angry and ___________ me over the head with a frying pan. 1) swaggered, 2) walloped
    2) walloped
  • As Sally was phoning her mom, two cyclists ___________ her mobile and vanished. 1) snatched, 2) sprinted
    1) snatched
  • The huge truck turned over becase another vehicle ___________ infron of it. a. sprinted, b. swerved
    b. swerved
  • It was raining cats and dogs. So, John _________ to his car. 1) sprinted, 2) crept
    1) sprinted
  • Sally creased the paper in her fist and glared at me. (Replace the word creased with a synonym.)
    folded, crused, crumpled, crinkled
  • Synonyms of glare are ..................................................................
    fown, glower, scowl
  • I can't wear this shirt. It is ___________. a. ironed, b. creased
  • Give two synonyms of SCRAMBLE
    climb, clamber, or struggle
  • Bang! A deafening sound wake me up. Tragically, two trucks __________ and many peple were injured. a. collided, b. thumped
    a. collided
  • Holman __________ the desk with his hand. a. thumped, b.scrambled
    a. thumped