
Conditional Superstitions

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  • If you _______ (open) an umbrella indoors, it ________ (bring) bad luck.
    If you open an umbrella indoors, it will bring bad luck.
  • If it ______ (rain) on their wedding day, a couple _____ (have) a happy marriage.
    If it rains on their wedding day, a couple will have a happy marriage.
  • If you ______ (break) a mirror, you ______ (have) seven years of bad luck.
    If you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck.
  • If someone _____ (cut) their eyelashes, they ______ (see) the wind.
    If someone cuts their eyelashes, they can see the win.
  • If you _______ (knock) on wood, you _______ prevent bad luck.
    If you knock on wood, you will prevent bad luck.
  • If a black cat _____ (walk) across your path, you _____ (have) bad luck.
    If a black cat walks across your path, you will have bad luck.
  • If your baby ______ (born) on Wednesday, they ____ (be) unhappy.
    If your baby is born on Wednesday, they will be unhappy.
  • If your child _______ (born) on a Monday, they ______ (be) beautiful.
    If you child is born on a Monday, they will be beautiful.
  • If your nose ______ (itch), you _____ have a visitor.
    If your nose itches, you will have a visitor.
  • If your team ________ (losing), wearing your baseball cap inside out and backwards, ______ (help) them win.
    If your team is losing, wearing your baseball cap inside out and backwards will help them win.
  • If you ______ (see) an owl in the daytime, someone you know ________ (die).
    If you see an owl in the daytime, someone you know will die.
  • If you ____ (find) a penny and pick it up, all the day you _____ (have) good luck.
    If you find a penny and pick it up, all day long you will have good luck.
  • If you ______ (walk) under a ladder, something bad _______ (happen) to you.
    If you walk under a ladder, something bad will happen to you.