
Past perfect

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  • He won the tennis match because he (practise) hard for months.
    had practised
  • Last week, Susan practised the piano every day, and she (play) well in the concert at the weekend.
  • Mrs Pozniak couldn't find her umbrella. She (leave) it on the bus.
    had left
  • Susan wore a new sweater which she (choose) the day before.
    had chosen
  • Ben went out of the house. He (walk) to the bus stop.
  • Dad called all the family to the kitchen, because he (finish) cooking the dinner.
    had finished
  • David couldn't write any more, because he (break) his pen.
    had broken
  • Ben played with the football that his grandma (give) him for his birthday.
    had given
  • Lisa woke up, looked at the clock and realized that she (sleep) for ten hours.
    had slept
  • On Saturday, the Watson family packed their cases and (drive) to France.
  • Kinga didn't write a postcard to her aunt, because she (forget) the address.
    had forgotton
  • Ruby's hamster hid under the sofa, but she (catch) it again.
  • Grandma went to the doctor last week, because her eyes (become) worse.
    had become
  • Li's friends brought presents to her birthday party. She (open) them at the table.
  • Ben got up and (have) breakfast.
  • When he went to bed that night, Mo (make) a hundred bow ties.
    had made
  • Last year Kinga bought a vegan recipe book and (try) out some recipes.
  • Lea was very excited because she (just / have) a phone call from her boyfriend.
    had just had
  • When the kids saw the snake, they (run) away.
  • Ruby wasn't hungry for dinner, because she (eat) too many sweets.
    had eaten
  • The Jeannie Johnston left Ireland and (arrive) in the USA with one more passenger - a baby boy.
  • Dave played football in the moming, then he (go) home.
  • When the bus finally arrived, the kids (wait) nearly an hour for it.
    had waited
  • After the visitors (go) home, everyone went to bed.
    had gone
  • At Jalen's party, Kinga wore a blouse that she (never / wear) before.
    had never worn
  • Ben repaired his bike and (ride) along the street to try it out.
  • In 1845, there was a terrible famine. After that, a lot of Irish people (start) a new life in America.
  • Jalen heard about a rock concert, and (buy) a ticket.
  • Tom and Katy made some Irish stew. They (enjoy) eating it.
  • At midnight, Mo and his family stopped working, because they (make) enough ties.
    had made
  • Ruby thought the zoo was great. She (never / see) so many animals before.
    had never seen
  • First we ate, then we (watch) TV.