
Solutions Pre-Intermediate 7A

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  • What is a code offered to customers as a purchasing incentive that reduces the price of an order.
    discount code
  • Buy one and get one free is an example of a?
    special offer
  • What is it called when something is bought or sold for sale, cheaper than the usual price or expected price?
  • What is the the label on an item for sale called?
    price tag
  • What is it called when you return an item to the store and you receive your money back?
  • What is it called when you go to the store and the item is 50% cheaper or offered at a lower price for a few days?
  • What is the piece of paper called that is given to you by the cashier once you have paid for the item?
  • What is a lower price from the usual cost of something, usually given for earlier or advance payment or to a special category of buyers and buyers who buy many items at the same time?
  • What is a voucher that allows you to receive a discount for a product. It s usually found in magazines and newspapers.