
Eashan and Karynna

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  • information that is misleading or bias for the purpose of influencing/persuading people
  • when something appears to be something that it really isn't
    an illusion
  • Name 3 themes of An Inspector calls
    a social commentary on : classism/gender biased/growing up
  • When people do the same as everyone else/follows the rules
    to conform/conformity
  • Another word for the main character/hero in the story
    The protagonist
  • Give 5 features of a dystopian world
    /oppression/violence/strict regime/ people controlled/treated unfairly/fear/illusion of utopia/forced to think the same way/destroyed enviro. monitored
  • Give 5 features of an utopian world
    An imagined place or state where everything is perfect. A peaceful world. A happy and cared-for society. A place where people are listened to and their best in
  • putting two things together to highlight the contrast between them.
    juxtaposition / juxtaposes
  • Name 3 themes of The Giver
    Individuality vs conformity ; safety vs personal freedom ; pleasure and pain
  • a government or authority that is particularly strict
    a regime
  • When the government edits the information people see and hear
  • a type of government/leadership that uses power to cause fear in people
    an oppressive government/dictatorship