
Marine Mammals

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  • What is the largest species of dolphin?
  • How many species of dolphins are there?
    Approximately 40.
  • What adaptations do marine mammals have for life in the water?
    Many adaptations, e.g. a thick layer of fat (blubber), hydrodynamic shape, adapted limbs, special breathing and diving mechanisms...
  • What do cetaceans include?
    Dolphins and whales
  • Where does the polar bear live?
    In the Arctic
  • How are sea lions different from seals?
    Sea lions have visible outer earlobes, and their hind limbs are mobile.
  • How can be marine mammals further classified?
    Cetaceans, pinnipeds, sirens, carnivores
  • What is the purpose of a whale’s blowhole?
    The whale uses its blowhole to breathe air when it swims to the surface.
  • How many blowholes do whales have?
    Large whale species, except sperm whales, have 2 blowholes.
  • Are pinnipeds carnivores, omnivores or herbivores?
  • How long do dolphins live?
    Between 15 and 50 years, depending on the species
  • What is the largest species of marine mammals?
    Blue whale
  • What kind of marine mammal has only 10 individuals living in the wild as of 2023?
  • How many species of whales are there?
    There are about 90 species of whales.
  • What are pinnipeds?
    Pinnipeds are a group of marine mammals that includes sea lions, seals, and walruses.
  • How do whales sleep?
    They sleep by turning off half of their brain, which allows them to continue swimming and breathing.
  • What do sea otters feed on?
    Sea otters feed mainly on crustaceans, bivalves, and fish.
  • How do marine mammals reproduce?
    They reproduce through sexual reproduction, where females give birth to live young and feed them with milk.
  • How long do pinnipeds live?
    Depending on the species, between 20 and 40 years.
  • What is the average life expectancy of a whale?
    Depending on the species, the average life expectancy of a whale can vary between 30 and 90 years.
  • What kind of pinniped is the largest?
  • Define marine mammals.
    Marine mammals are a group of mammals that have adapted to life in the oceans and seas.
  • What is echolocation?
    Some marine mammals, such as dolphins and orcas, use echolocation to send sound waves into their surroundings and listen to their reflections to obtain informat