
Who was Ronald Reagan ch 3-4

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  • Ronald Reagan father was once a U.S.President. a.True b. False.
  • When did he become the president of America?
  • Reagan was known as the father of the American constitution. a.True b.False
  • Cause:The director thought Reagan didn’t look like a football player. Effect:___________
  • Why 1947 was a difficult year for Reagan?
  • Cause: World War II was raging Europe, and war movies were very popular. Effect: ________
  • What did Reagan start doing after finishing his movie career?
  • Ronald Reagan was the „„„.president of the United States. a.16 b.40 c30
  • How many terms of office did Ronald Reagan make? a.2 b.3 c.1
  • How do you think, why Reagan won election, if he wasn't an experienced politician?
  • Ronald Reagan economic policy was known as „. a.Ecofinance b.Reganomics c.Fair joy
  • “At the end of 1947, Jane Wyman told her husband that she wanted a divorce. “ divorce - _____
  • Did Ronald Reagan forgive his dad? Why was it so difficult for him?
  • Ronald Reagan was once the governor of California. a.True b.False
  • Cause: Ronald Reagan arrived in Hollywood with A great idea for a movie. Effect : ______
  • After the war, Ronald Reagan was elected President of „.
  • Ronald met a young actress named _______________________. They got married in ____________________________________. They had two kids named _______________
  • Make a list of three hardships Ronald faced in his life around 1947. Hardships 1. 2. 3.
  • Which year did Ronald Reagan ascend to power? a.1809. b.1797. c.1981
  • Which European war did the United Stats joining the 1940s?
  • Who was Reagan's first wife?
  • “The Berkeley campus of the University of California was all but shut down by student demonstrations.” demonstrations - __
  • Who was the United States’ biggest enemy after World War II? Why were Americans so afraid of the enemy?
  • Which political party did Ronald Regan belong to? a.Republican b.Federalist c.Federalist-democratic
  • What was Ronalds job during the War?
  • Why were movie studios and movie theaters loosing money?
  • “Some people thought that he was against the poor and minorities.” minorities - ____
  • In Hollywood Ronald worked as an „„„ .