
Business expressions review

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  • This point RELATES TO what I’m going to say next.
    This point ties in with what I’m going to say next.
  • This is the issue I’d like to TALK MORE ABOUT.
    This is the issue I’d like to expand on.
  • AT FIRST, I'D LIKE TO SAY a couple of words about our company.
    Let me start by saying a couple of words about our company.
  • Sorry, I got DISTRACTED a bit. It’s outside the scope of my presentation.
    Sorry, I got carried away a bit. It’s outside the scope of my presentation.
  • My main goal is to GIVE YOU THE RECENT NEWS regarding the application of blockchain in healthcare.
    My main goal is to BRING YOU UP TO DATE on the application of blockchain in healthcare.
  • Well, THIS IS THE END of my presentation.
    Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation.
  • I'd like to START by telling you about our approach.
    I'd like to KICK OFF by telling you about our approach.
  • Before we finish, I’d like to MENTION the key points again.
    Before we finish, I’d like to RUN THROUGH the key points again.
  • This graph represents the ANALYSIS of all the costs.
    This graph represents the breakdown of all the costs.
  • Before we move on to the main topic, I’d like to GIVE YOU some background to it.
    Before we move on to the main topic, I’d like to fill you in on some background to it.
  • TO SUM UP, I believe this service is going to hit a home run among youth.
    IN A NUTSHELL, I believe this service is going to hit a home run among youth.