
figurative language

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  • After earning a 100% on her English paper, Jamie was on cloud nine.
    very happy
  • The bookstore’s open house was a circus with people everywhere.
    very crazy - chaotic
  • I couldn’t see anything in the dark, I was as blind as a bat.
    can't see well
  • The computers in the library are dinosaurs. They are getting laptops next year.
    the computers are outdated
  • His legs were rubber after running the marathon.
    his legs were weak
  • I am a couch potato when I get home from work.
  • My stomach was full of butterflies as I went on stage for the opening number.
    feeling nervous
  • Fred is a fish when you get him in the water.
    good swimmer
  • Jake is a clown during class.
    jokes around
  • After working all day, I will sleep like a log tonight.
    slept very soundly
  • Tiffany doesn’t like it when kids at her school bully other kids. It really makes her blood boil.
    very mad
  • The baby is as cute as a button.
    very cute
  • When Ben kissed Tracey on the cheek, she turned as red as a tomato.
    she was embarrassed
  • My room is a disaster!
    really messy
  • Her driving test was a walk in the park.
  • Caleb is as strong as an ox, he moved the heavy furniture all by himself.
    very strong
  • Greg has a huge history test to study for. His friends want him to go to the mall, but he tells them that he has to hit the books first.
  • That tree was as tall as a skyscraper!
    very tall
  • She’s so smart, she’s as sharp as a tack.
    very smart
  • He was moving slower than molasses in January.
    moving very slowly
  • Derrick eats healthy and exercises regularly. At a check-up with his doctor, he was told he was as fit as a fiddle.
    very healthy
  • He was moving slower than molasses in January.
    moving very slowly
  • We were sardines in the backseat of the van on the way to the beach.
    packed tightly
  • Haley is a walking dictionary, she knows everything!
    have a big vocabulary
  • That old man is as stubborn as a mule. He has done things the same way his entire life.
    very stubborn
  • Katie wished she could go to the movies with her friends, but with her headache and sore throat she was feeling under the weather.
  • Lane was burning up in the packed restaurant.
    very hot