
C1 speaking mistakes

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  • In the second image, we can see that he's dressed up formally.
    WITHOUT up
  • We're planning to reform the kitchen sometime next year.
  • I would say that the man is running because he's being late for work.
    he's ARRIVING late OR he's getting to work late
  • In my opinion, you can definitely rely to it for fun.
    rely ON
  • I completely agree, and you said, men and women should be treated equal. (2 mistakes)
    and AS you said, ... EQUALLY
  • But I couldn't send the email immediately because the computer was already used by other person. (2 mistakes)
    the computer WAS BEING USED, ANOTHER person
  • So I think it's much more easier to do it this way.
  • I'd say a feminist is someone that defends the men and women's equality. (2 mistakes)
    WITHOUT the, MEN'S
  • I wanted to make some changes to my room but I didn't do it yet.
    but I HAVEN'T DONE it yet
  • And at the time, that situation made a big impact for me.
    ON me
  • I think I would get distracted and I would end up doing something than learning.
    something OTHER than
  • Honestly, I'm not all the time thinking about the environment.
    ...environment ALL THE TIME
  • To be honest, I don't enjoy reading so I only really read the books of school.
    TEXTBOOKS or books that are obligatory for school
  • Another disadvantage is that an app can't explain me any of my doubts.
    explain my doubts TO me
  • It's really popular because of its price... and because also it has been around for so many years.
  • He's not my favourite author, but I enjoy a lot reading his books.
    I enjoy reading his books A LOT
  • Most people I know live in a flat, as well as me.
    LIKE me
  • I think yes.
    I think SO