
Classroom management

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  • Think carefully what to correct and when and how you should do it
  • Praise dominant students for encouraging shy ones to speak + get
  • Keep weaker students in smaller groups
  • Keep your language simple, use a lot of gestures and signals, pause often
  • Be sensitive to your students’ moods: be ready to sometimes throw your lesson plan out of the window and teach Dogme
  • Praise as much as you can to boost their feeling of achievement
  • Use stronger students to support the weaker ones / give feedback / correct errors
  • Pair up weak with weak and lower your expectations
  • Demonstrate the activity with weaker students several times
  • Dominant students can dominate for only a certain amount of time
  • Establish ‘buddy’ system – keep stronger students responsible for weaker students’ participation and progress
  • Do have plenty of fun activities to balance ‘serious’ and ‘boring’ ones: board games, spelling races, vocabulary and grammar cards games, creative mini-projects etc.
  • Never compare students’ performances
  • Encourage learner autonomy and your students’ work outside class: e.g. set up Google classroom and share different kinds of of homework for different levels of students there;
  • Nominate weaker students to answer easier questions
  • Monitor receptive skills practice as carefully as you monitor speaking or writing tasks