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  • How much did Mr Beast earn in 2022?
    54 million dollars
    54 milion dollars
    45 million dollars
    54 million euros
  • Why do people watch animals on Tiktok?
    Because they are rough
    Because they are weird
    Because they are boring
    Because they are stupid
  • How many people use Tiktok every month?
    FIve billion
    More than a bilion
    More than a million
    More than a billion
  • Why is she wearing make up?
    Because she is weird
    Because she is a firefox
    Because she is happy
    Because she is rough
  • Who is it?
    A girldog
    hot dog
    a dog
  • Why is her tattoo on a stupid place?
    Because she is happy jak dva grepy
    Because she is stupid and weird
    Because she looks like John
    Because she is beautiful
  • Why do you remove Tiktok?
    Because from it's from Chile
    Because from it's from Chin
    Because from it's from China
    Because from it's from Czechia
  • What type of dance is it?
    tik tak dance
    happy dance
    dance dance
    Tiktok dance